Resource Pages

Dec 1, 2004

Who is? The Federation of Environmental Technologists, Inc.

The Federation of Environmental Technologists, Inc. (FET)
was founded in 1982 as 501 (c) (3) exempt organization formed to assist industry in interpretation of and compliance with environmental regulations. Our membership is regional (Great Lakes Region) and fluctuates at around 600-700 members. FET is recognized throughout the country by other professional organizations for its participation in educational programs.

Our officers, chairs, speakers, instructors, etc. are all volunteers who are environmental professionals. As a professional organization, our mission is to help people in industry, education, consulting, etc. to comply with federal and state environmental regulations. Thus, we put on courses, seminars, conferences, and free committee meetings to teach or update people with environmental responsibilities the "how to" in understandable terms. Most of our programs are recognized for continuing education credits for certification, licensing and credentialling.