Resource Pages

Jun 23, 2006

Senators urge to reduce pollution over next decade

Research shows the government must take steps to reduce pollution if it wants to protect future generations from global warming, she said. NMPIRG released a report Tuesday demonstrating New Mexico's pollution increased 218 percent over 40 years. Called "The Carbon Boom," the report also shows coal emissions contributed to 68 percent and oil emissions to 24 percent of New Mexico's pollution.

The national pollution average over the same 40 year period increased 95 percent, Ketcham added. Texas and California created the most pollution and New Mexico fell into the middle of the states. But looking at how much pollution New Mexico creates compared to its population shows the state creates a lot of pollution per capita, she said.

People can reduce emissions first, by using less energy and building more responsibly, Ketcham said. Second, they should turn to renewable energy.

"Renewable energy hasn't received the subsidies in research and development that other fossil fuel industries have. Despite that, it has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years," she said.

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