Resource Pages

Jul 11, 2006

EPA Proposes Revised Rule For Lead In Drinking Water

On July 6, EPA proposed regulatory changes to the existing national primary drinking water regulations (NPDWRs) for lead and copper.

According to the agency, the revisions would:
* Enhance the implementation of the and Copper Rule (LCR) in the areas of monitoring, treatment, customer awareness, lead service line replacement
* Improve compliance with the public education requirements of the LCR and ensure drinking water consumers receive meaningful, timely and useful information needed to help them limit their exposure to lead in drinking water.

The LCR has four basic requirements:
1. Require water suppliers to optimize their treatment system to control corrosion in customer's plumbing.
2. Determine tap water levels of lead and copper for customers who have lead service lines or lead-based solder in their plumbing system.
3. Rule out the source water as a source of significant lead levels.
4. If lead action levels are exceeded, require the suppliers to educate their customers about lead and suggest actions they can take to reduce their exposure to lead through public notices and public education programs.