Resource Pages

Jul 6, 2006

U.S. Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Fossil Fuels Virtually Unchanged in 2005 as Price Increases Dampen Energy Demand

U.S. carbon dioxide energy-related carbon dioxide emissions per unit of economic output fell by 3.3 percent in 2005. From 1990 to 2005, the carbon dioxide intensity of the economy fell by 24.3 percent. By 2004 (the latest year of data for all greenhouse gases), carbon dioxide intensity had fallen by 21.8 percent and emissions of total greenhouse gases per dollar of GDP had fallen by 23.4 percent. The 3.3-percent drop in carbon dioxide intensity of the economy in 2005 is greater than the average reduction of 1.8 percent per year experienced since 1990.

EIA will continue to refine its estimates of 2005 carbon dioxide emissions as more complete energy data become available. A full inventory of 2005 emissions of all greenhouse gases will be available in November using revised energy data and providing a further analysis of trends.

The preliminary estimates are on EIA's web site at: