Resource Pages

Nov 1, 2006

OSHA Alliance News

National Office: The sharing of information about cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automated external defibrillators programs highlights OSHA's successful alliance with the American Heart Association, and resulted in a two-year renewal of the agreement.
Region II: OSHA's New York Region renewed an alliance with the Professional College of Engineers and Land Surveyors of Puerto Rico to continue reducing and preventing workplace hazards for construction employees. The region also renewed an alliance with the Society of Professionals for the Prevention of Accidents to continue enhancing safety and health for employees in Puerto Rico.
Region V: Enhancing the safety of employees involved in trenching and excavation operations is the focus of an alliance forged between OSHA's Columbus, Ohio, Area Office and the Greater Columbus Damage Prevention Council.
Region VII: Protecting employees from exposure to hazards in the grain handling industry is the goal of an alliance renewed between OSHA's Kansas City, Mo., Region and the Nebraska Grain and Feed Association. The region also renewed an alliance with the Safety Council of the Ozarks to improve health and safety in the workplace through training and education. An alliance was formed between the region and the Greater Ozarks Chapter of the Academy of Certified Hazardous Materials Managers to provide training on safety and health management systems and share best practices on preventing employee exposure to workplace hazards.
Region VIII: OSHA's Billings, Mont., Area Office and the Montana Contractor Compensation Fund signed an alliance to enhance safe and more healthful working conditions for construction employees.