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Apr 2, 2007

Canadian's need to read my blog or CARB, EPA or WDNR

Why are there soooo many millions spent on reporting data that already exists.
Please read U.S. gov reports since 1992, on E10 & E85 that state it is harmful to people and environment.

There's an unpublished report out of Canada disputing claims that emissions from autos running on 10-percent ethanol blends are cleaner than regular gasoline. Scientists at Environment Canada tested four vehicles through a range of driving conditions and temperatures.

"Looking at tailpipe emissions, from a greenhouse gas perspective, there really isn't much difference between ethanol and gasoline," said Greg Rideout, head of Environment Canada's toxic emissions research.

Basically, the study showed no statistical difference between straight gas and E10 blend of ethanol and gasoline. There was a reduction in carbon monoxide, but hydrocarbons and other gases increased under certain conditions.

A government environmental official said he was aware of the report but says ethanol use in the big picture is worth the effort.

"I think there's an issue between the tailpipe and the whole cycle," said John Baird, Federal Environment Minister. "The whole cycle is better than the tailpipe."

Testing four vehicles hardly warrants conclusive results but certainly indicates more tests are needed, and we also need to fully test E85 blends, as well.
