Resource Pages

Apr 28, 2008

Don't undermine Great Lakes compact

It's good that Wisconsin is poised to become the fifth of eight Great Lakes states to approve the historic compact, because the agreement establishes first-ever rules, standards and procedures to conserve water and manage diversions from this precious supply of fresh surface water.
But - reported, proposed amendments said to be circulating in and around the state Capitol, which sources say will be inserted into State Senate Bill 523, undermine the compact's conservationist intentions and weaken the compact-implementing bill.
That bill passed in March on a bipartisan vote of 26-6, following - yes - a packed public hearing in Kenosha. Even the GOP-led state Assembly, which refused to vote on SB 523, held a hearing on the bill. So why not hold one if and when the Assembly, Senate and the Doyle administration agree on a package?  Read more on JSOnline