Resource Pages

Jun 13, 2008

WasteCap Wisconsin News

Free online directory targets state's construction waste - WasteCap Wisconsin launched the state's first online directory of reuse and recycling markets for Wisconsin's construction and demolition waste in April. The directory, named WasteCapDIRECT, is a free service for contractors to connect with haulers, processors and end markets for some of Wisconsin's most common construction and demolition waste materials. To read the full article, visit To use WasteCapDIRECT, visit

Greening the Heartland 2008 - The premier annual conference on green building and sustainability in the Midwest will be held at America's Center in downtown St. Louis. The U.S. Green Building Council – St. Louis Regional Chapter will host this fifth annual event, which is geared toward people interested in greening their town, business, college campus or building. The conferencve will feature internationally renowned sustainability leaders in four content areas: corporate, community, education and government. WasteCap will host it's Construction Waste Management Training Program for Accreditation the day after the conference in St. Louis. For more information and to register for the conference and the training, visit

Save the date! Third Annual WasteCap Wisconsin R3 Awards - Professionals and businesses working to reduce, reuse and recycle commercial debris will be honored at the third annual R3 Awards on October 9th at Schlitz Audubon Nature Center. The highlight of the night will be the presentation of the Big Diverter award recognizing the construction and/or demolition project with the highest recycling rate. More details coming soon. To read about past R3 Awards, visit

Changing the minds of Wisconsin contractors - Jenna Kunde is executive director of WasteCap Wisconsin, a nonprofit that provides waste reduction and recycling education to businesses. She said many contractors hesitate to implement recycling processes because they fear there could be additional costs and time attached to them. Kunde said she changes even the most stubborn minds, though, by showing contractors they can have a positive impact on the environment in a cost-saving way that has a minimal impact on construction schedules. To read the full article, visit

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