Resource Pages

Jul 19, 2008

GORE plan- A bar too high, set up an inevitable failure.

GRISTY ... the 10-year deadline seems a little insane. Gore's insistence on it's practicality is somewhat puzzling to me. But I certainly don't mind crazy goals. CNET wore its shock on its sleeve with Neal Dikeman's piece, "Is Al Gore Nuts?" Perhaps so -- that may not be such a bad thing -- but Dikeman does address the valid point that a goal too ambitious is likely to be forgotten:
That statement is about like challenging your 2 year old to finish college by the time she is 12. Not exactly practical, more than a little crazy, and likely to be either ignored, or if you push it, to cause lots of therapy sessions by the time she is 8.

A bar too high will set up an inevitable failure. But, is a failure of say 70 percent renewable electricity by 2020 all that bad? It's much more aggressive than the G8's half-off reduction.