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May 22, 2009

My comments on the 235 mpg VW... ouch.

It was hardly 'new news' as I reported it back in 2006 but a reality check regarding the viability of 35mpg standards...

My fear is that the big two (Ford/GM) are so far behind Nissan (link) and China BYD motors in battery and electric tech. Miles behind VW and BMW in clean high MPG diesels that regardless of the billions we give them... they will be slaughtered unless they build partnerships or offer equally competitive vehicles.

Their foreign competition is not only offering superhigh mpg cars,
they are marketing full electric to the mass market for $1,000 and up (link).
It is NOT impossible,
both Ford and GM have 50+ mpg cars and minivans sold internationally (link), a first step to basic survival would be to unconditionally offer those cars here.
And yes, I know they may not meet ALL U.S. safety and emission standards... but how does a Harley or scooter? They don't.

A simple Obama addendum to existing laws could allow deregulation to 'micro car' and 'eco-mileage' classes (50mpg+) with a predetermined safety and emission standard date within a reasonable amount of time
(China has already done this-link). Do they understand that now China has the largest car market in the world (link)? In this depression they will need to have a viable product for that market JUST to compete, let alone meet their future 'sales dreams'.

Regardless of the hype and propaganda surrounding 'global warming and peakoil' this is a matter of national security and business prosperity that we actually make cars that conserve and are built for the future of declining resources... and not some 35mpg standard that was clearly obtainable two if not three decades ago.

Earth to U.S. automakers, America needs you.... evolve or face extinction.