Resource Pages

Jul 7, 2010

Electric Car "The Consumer Trap" and "Death by Car."

Electric refueling: Doing the math
Bottom line:
As the car capitalists know, electric cars are a minor diversion, a profitable trick on hoodwinked green shoppers and a crucial political psy-op against the general public. the nation's gas stations for a fully electric fleet would actually cost more like $100 billion.

And, of course, we [read: the babysitters our overclass hires for us] love the free market and don't begrudge gas station owners getting rich. Gas stations, in other words, are not owned by the public. So, this $100 billion expenditure would have to be done voluntarily by the nation's fueling entrepreneurs, for whom such outlays represent deductions from their returns-on-investment.

And, of course, all this is merely the cost of the electron-dispensing units. It says nothing about the radical reconstruction of the underlying electrical generation and distribution system that such a conversion would require.

Read more at EnergyBulletin