Resource Pages

Jul 11, 2010

Wanna Bet - Energy is a big money game. all heard Simmons & Tierney bet on the average price of oil in 2010... While NextBigFutures Brian Wang  appears to have won on his nuclear energy bet with Michael Dittma. HTML clipboard

"Peaking into the uranium supply problem"... If nuclear generation is set to rapidly increase, as Brian Wang forecasts, then very large increases in uranium production will be needed over the next few years, so that production matches demand. But if nuclear electricity generation is really falling as a result of older facilities going off line, then annual uranium consumption can be expected to drop from the current 66,000 tonnes. If this happens, perhaps not too large an increase from current production levels - TOD.

This is becoming the biggest gamble of our future and the stakes could not be higher "People and the Planet". While the control of resources has always been a catalyst of war... peak production of energy resources could make war the only constant in our future unless we move to regional sustainable energy, food and water programs

FACTS: The world will spend over $13 trillion on energy infrastructure over this decade. $6 trillion on fossil fuel subsidies which is not included in that $13 trillion.

Even over 100 Years ago the inventor of modern electrical systems knew that our only future was to become sustainable:
Nikola Tesla