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Oct 24, 2010

NPR - GOP Victory May Be Defeat For Climate Change Policy

"The more carbon that gets released into the atmosphere, the higher the average temperature rises... yet the majority of Republicans running for House and Senate seats this year disagree." Ken Buck, the GOP senate candidate in Colorado admits he's a climate change denier. Ron Johnson, who leads in the polls of Wisconsin's senatorial race, has said that "it is far more likely that [climate change] is just sunspot activity or something just in the geologic eons of time where we have changes in the climate." ... Conservatives in Congress are turning against the science behind climate change. That means if Republicans take control this November, there's little hope for climate change policy." - NPR

Comment: Please notice this link is to the official NPR website and that this is a transcript that was read on air (also notice who gets credit for writing it).
Why is the so-called non-partisan public radio corporation taking sides on a political issue with the public treasury paying for what is not only open advocacy of a position, but partisan in its intent, nature, and effect?

Maybe this is why? Left-wing buys NPR
Just days after declaring himself himself “helpless” to stop the Republican avalanche coming next month, George Soros paid $1.8 million to purchase NPR.  The money is supposed to be used to hire 1oo “news” reporters for his Impact of Government project.  Soros’s OSI is using the project to target state governments, as he is doing with his nefarious SoS campaign. Obama’s boss is conniving to install regime-friendly operatives in Secretaries of State offices nationwide.  
In a completely unrelated story, NPR just fired its lone intellectually honest liberal and Fox News commentator, Juan Williams ;-)

How can you buy NPR? Doesn’t the government own it? And Isn't election tampering a federal crime?