Resource Pages

Sep 25, 2013

Ban on Japanese seafood in full effect, says Russia — Includes Fukushima and 7 other prefectures — “Decision is based on monitoring” [feedly]

Source: Voice of Russia, Interfax
Date: Sept. 19, 2013

A ban on fish and seafood imports from Japan, introduced on April 6 2011 in connection with the accident at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant, will remain in effect in full, the federal veterinary and phytosanitary oversight service Rosselkhoznadzor has reported.

It said the ban applies to 242 companies located in eight prefectures of Japan. The ban remains in effect despite Japanese officials' repeated requests to lift it," Rosselkhoznadzor said.

This decision is based on the monitoring, run by Russian services, and by international and foreign organizations. [...]