Resource Pages

Sep 12, 2019

New England States Ammonia Safety Day, Friday October 25, 2019 (Free Tickets)

Keene State College will host the first New England States Ammonia Safety Day on Friday October 25, 2019. The event is being organized by Ammonia Safety & Training Institute ( and will cover topics such as ·  Strengthen the Tripod: Industry, Government, and Public Safety ·  Value of prevention, protection, and preparedness ·  Understand hazards, mitigate risks, and prepare for threats ·  Evacuation, decontamination, and medical care ·  Valve and pipeline problems that lead to emergency events ·  Engaging emergency shutdown procedures ·  Command and control plan ·  Integrating Industrial response with public safety command ·  Pre-entry hazard assessment ·  Terminating command, initiating recovery, and restart ·  Basic refrigeration cycle components ·  Lessons learned from accidents and emergency events

The principles discussed will apply to industrial chemical safety in general as well as ammonia safety in particular. There is no registration cost; a detailed agenda and information for registering will be available soon.

Let me know if you have any questions about this.

Free Attendance Ticket, includes training materials, beverages, breakfast snack and lunch.