Resource Pages

Jun 15, 2006

Wisconsin’s first “green” state office building opens in Green Bay

DNR Regional Headquarters awarded LEEDTM Gold Certification

"The $4.7 million, three-story, 34,560 square-foot building became a catalyst for developing sustainable state building guidelines for energy standards, use of day lighting, and recycling. According to Dettlaff, President of Berners-Schober Associates, “ Our staff spent a lot of time collaborating with our State of Wisconsin clients to plan a building that could operate in a more environmentally sustainable way.” Ian Griffiths, project manager for Berners-Schober added, “The focus on the NER building was not as much on gadgets, controls and technology, but rather on a design that integrated form with efficient building systems to improve both human performance and reduce energy consumption. This DNR building demonstrates that commercial office space can be built economically and operate efficiently.”"