Jan 8, 2008

EHS Blogger "blackouts"?

Where did the Environmental, Health and Safety
Professionals go?
Don't stress... were down but not out.

The months before March are mission critical "crunch time" for Environmental, Health and Safety Professionals...

To help my fellow EHS pro's I post an annual "Compliance & Regulatory" resource list (see links below).

EHS subscribers ..
Here's the "short list" - ENJOY!

EHS Federal Regulations:
OSHA Regulations &EPA Regulations

Best list of EHS Regulations by state:

The most comprehensive list of information of EHS Federal Agencies and

The most comprehensive list EHS Regulation and History

All OSHA Safety Programs (A-Z)

"Regulatory Check" lists for EHS Pro's

If I missed any here are links to All Federal Regulatory Codes:

DOT &DOT Hazmat Table

WI State codes:

Federal codes:



Just the Facts... if the general public was aware of how great our existing Environmental & Welfare Protection regulations were, they would understand that we would have "NO" current manmade global warming problems.... "IF" individuals and corporations would have complied with the regulations for the last two decades. It's not debatable... it is an inarguable, gut wrenching fact.

So if you think "Inconvenient Truth" was alarming, my 20 year compliance data report would give you a stroke. Seriously...

During this time I deploy my artificial intelligence data mining protocols to ensure I am still accumulating the most advanced resources available to "Protect People and the Planet".

So don't worry, Very soon I'll be back in force with my "Million Blogger Army" ;-)

Christopher Haase

Please Email me or leave a comment of link errors or more information - Thanks!