Resource Pages

Feb 5, 2008

Warning sticker for low sulfur diesel

...a sticker on the diesel pump warning about the damage the low sulfur fuel might do to new engines that I wanted to know a bit more about. If you're a regular diesel-fueler, you might be used to this warning, but I'm not and wasn't. Since I was curious, I thought some of our readers might be, too.

The text of the sticker is as follows:
Low Sulfur Highway Diesel Fuel (500 ppm Sulfur maximum). Warning. Federal law prohibits use in model year 2007 and later highway vehicles and engines. Its use may damage these vehicles and engines.

The station I was at was still selling the older, non-Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) fuel. ULSD has a maximum sulfur content of 15 ppm and was
introduced in late 2006, but isn't universal yet. According to a downloadable PDF of the regulation from OPISnet,

From June 1, 2006 through September 30, 2010, any retailer or wholesale purchaser-consumer who sells, dispenses, or offers for sale or dispensing, motor vehicle diesel fuel subject to the 500 ppm sulfur standard of §80.520(c), must prominently and conspicuously display in the immediate area of each pump stand from which motor vehicle fuel subject to the 500 ppm sulfur standard is offered for sale or dispensing, the following legible label, in block letters of no less than 24-point bold type, printed in a color contrasting with the background: [sticker text]

There's an enlargement of the warning sticker after the jump. What's it look like in your neck of the woods? Are the stations selling ULSD or not?