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Apr 25, 2008

The "GREEN" marketing tool = You

What the 2006 to present "greenwashing" media, social and political blitz has done to environmental issues...

Billions spent on movies, social, political and ad campaigns and there is still no improvement since 2006 film: Gore, and things are looking worse.

Yeah! Were green, their green were all green for what? Green - Completely lost significance...

Greenwashing has:

put Green against greens

turned earthday into a big Green Yawn...

made it far more important to Sell Earth Day, than to change.

given people a huge "Why Bother" attitude.

Just like violence and sex in the media we have now made Americans desensitized to environmental issues. Exploitation and dramatizations of extreme environmental scenarios have eroded genuine concern and care for the the most basic interest in environmental problems.

An normal reaction for people on issues that are overwhelming is get a "Why Bother" attitude, as they feel their own actions can make not make a significant difference.

When enough people share a delusion, it loses its status as a psychosis and gets a religious tax exemption instead. - Ronald de Sousa