Resource Pages

May 20, 2008

Great Lakes Program Funding

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Great Lakes National Program currently has 4 outstanding funding opportunities:
* EPA-R5-GL2008-2 for a 5 year sub-grant program for Ecological Protection and Restoration in the Great Lakes Basin - due May 21, 2008.
* EPA-R5-GL2008-3 for various Lake priorities to advance protection and restoration and to estimate phosphorus loadings - due June 10, 2008.
* EPA-R5-GL2008-4 for projects to reduce the presence and deleterious impacts of chemicals and for Rochester RAP Management - due June 10,2008.
* Great Lakes Legacy Act Projects for monitoring, evaluation, and/or remediation of contaminated sediments - no specified due date.
Information about these opportunities is available through a link from: