NPCA - EPA data released early in November demonstrates that federal and state regulators assessed more in penalties in West Virginia for Clean Air Act violations in fiscal year 2008 than in any other state — $15.3 million — while Florida topped all states in penalties for violations of federal waste law at $2.4 million. Ohio was second in the nation for air pollution penalties at $11.6 million. Data marks increased inspections and penalties.
"This is part of EPA's ongoing commitment to increase transparency and promote the public's right to know by improving access to available data," EPA said about a new website,, which allows the public to compare toxic release data with compliance data from facilities.
According to the EPA report which included state level information on the universe, compliance status, and enforcement by Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA Subtitle C) regulatory authorities for active RCRA facilities... The state with the highest rate of inspections of waste sites covered by RCRA was Nevada, at 38.6 percent of 1,848 facilities, California had a 1 percent inspection rate???
In Clean Air Act enforcement, states assessed $66.3 million in penalties in 2008, and EPA assessed $42 million.
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