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Sep 12, 2013

Radio: In the history of science we’ve never seen anything like this Fukushima plume heading across Pacific to U.S. and Canada — Why is Japan allowed to get away with contaminating ocean? (AUDIO)

In The History Of Science We've Never Seen Anything Like This – Why Is Japan Allowed To Get Away With Contaminating The Entire Pacific Ocean?

Radio: In the history of science we've never seen anything like this Fukushima plume heading across Pacific to U.S. and Canada — Why is Japan allowed to get away with contaminating ocean? (AUDIO) (ENENews, Sep 8, 2013):

CBC Radio's 'As It happens', September 2, 2013 – Carol Off, Host at 6:15 in: Why is Japan allowed to get away with this? Why are there not other efforts from other countries involved here?

Full broadcast here

Interview with nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen, Radio Ecoshock at 18:15 in: We've got this wedge of [radioactive] water heading across the Pacific, and really in the history of science we've never seen anything like this. What I've been asking people on the West Coast to do is to contact their elected state representatives, or province representative, and get them to sample fish.

Full interview with Gundersen here

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