Resource Pages

Dec 10, 2010

Schwarzenegger Picks HighSpeed Rail over Poor & social services

CBS - Schwarzenegger on Monday unveiled a plan that relies largely on cuts to health care and social services for the poor.
About $7.4 billion of his proposal would come from cuts, include reducing cash assistance to needy families by 15.7 percent in April, then eliminating the entire welfare-to-work program in July.

California Approves Start of $4 Billion High-Speed Rail Line (DOE)

The California High-Speed Rail Authority Board voted on December 2 to begin construction in the Central Valley of a new high-speed rail corridor linking Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay Area. The decision to begin the 65-mile stretch ...

"In California, we have secured a total of $4.3 billion to begin construction on the core of our system.  That includes a recent $715 million in federal funding, on top of previous economic stimulus funds and state and local matches...In short, the progress, pace and precision of California's project has been nothing short of remarkable."

"remarkable." indeed... California has derailed ANY fiscal viability of these programs. In less than a decade, California has blow billions of taxpayer dollars on similar projects, why not give them MORE, MORE, MORE. Completely ignoring California already is in debt Billions of dollars and on a path to defaulting it onto U.S. taxpayers during one of the hardest economic times in our nations history.

On a trade mission to Asia, Schwarzenegger said he hopes China will invest in his state both in terms of financing and in bidding to work on the project. California is about $19 billion in the red, so "creative financing" is a must, the governor acknowledged ... the project could cost $40 billion - Epic FAIL

Haase Comments: is imperative that we move towards a (More bucky Fuller) generation of cars and public transportation that can reduce our dire addiction to fossil fuels. 
And rail is another good answer. Highspeed is the problem. HTML clipboard
Not even I and a room full of enviros would promote fossil fuel guzzling "high speed" rail that costs more than filling a SUV with gas with equal if not more environmental impact. 
"Rail done right" has proven to save billions every year in job time, fuel costs and resources.

This program will not. 
Have a good weekend,