Dec 13, 2012

CPWR- new website regarding silica hazards, safety and health effects with specific tools for controlling silica dust.

CPWR- The Center for Construction Research and Training, recently launched – Work Safely with Silica -- The new website, offers easy access to the latest silica-related regulatory requirements, NIOSH and other research, articles, and training materials, as well as responses to frequently asked questions. Central features of the new site include a Know the Hazard section, geared for anyone interested in learning more about why silica is hazardous, the risk, who’s at risk, the health effects, and steps workers and contractors can take to work safely with silica.  The What’s Working section highlights examples of what stakeholders are already doing to the control silica dust, provides a place where workers and contractors can share their successes and challenges.  The innovative on-line planning tool -- Create-A-Plan – is designed to make it easy for construction contractors and other stakeholders to create job-specific plans for controlling silica dust.  With this tool, a user can generate a complete plan in just three steps.

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