Mar 15, 2007

Grist - your teeth and read this interview

I have to agree that if everyone loved their children, the world would not be facing the ecological crisis we are today. No one who loves children would allow it. I also agree that "Governments alone" are not capable of stopping it...

Mongabay has posted an interview with Dr. Peter Raven, one of the world's preeminent biodiversity experts. It's a real good read.

We must simultaneously care for the poor and protect ecosystems, not just one or the other. Governments alone are incapable of stopping biodiverstiy loss. The future belongs to the children.

.. protected areas are still a good strategy but let me put it in the broadest terms possible. Ecosystem services and species can be preserved only in the context that it is sustainable, which means socially just.

... corporations control far more money than governments and face less constraints in implementing policies.

... promoting interest in nature among children is absolutely critical for a future where ecological issues will be of increasing importance.