Apr 14, 2008

Wisconsin close to a surrender on compact

The 'compromise' leading to expected Wisconsin legislative approval of the Great Lakes compact is starting to appear to be the demise of the Lakes, punching more loopholes in an already frayed agreement that can be exploited not only by cities outside the Great Lakes Basin, but also by commercial water barons... described, Jim Rowen.

Since the Compact is essentially a water management agreement to conserve and protect the Great Lakes, substituting voluntary conservation measures statewide for mandatory conservation requirements is a huge, material change, and is certainly not in the state, or region, or Great Lakes' interest.

But if the federal law is followed as the guiding standard until Congressional approval - - which could be years away, or never happen - - then there is no requirement in Wisconsin that return flow accompany a diversion.

Even if that was not anyone's intention, it is a huge loophole that again defeats the conservation intent of the Compact, so should be buttoned up with tight, unambiguous language.

If exploited, the loophole could considerably change what the Governors signed in December, 2005, and intended for the health of the Great Lakes, when they launched the Compact into their state legislatures for approval. Read more here by David Dempsey