Nov 8, 2005

Good morning Sarah, (hey Bill)

Good morning Sarah, (hey Bill)

I am siding with Bill on this one…

Your laptop has less impact than an “old” quartz watch, smoke detector or standard CRT monitor.

When I was NRC certified, I monitored and inspected “free radical” devices and employee radiation levels on a daily basis.

Overall, laptops & PC’s had a “no detect” levels. (Please keep in mind that offices surrounded by concrete, natural rock, or in basements had “above” detect levels simply due to naturally occurring radon & certain stone “free radicals” content.)

I am not sure what doctor would ever state a laptop is a “intense field of radiation”… (or else Apple may have a few more Eco-Issues)

Every physician I work with is well versed and require training on radiation sources and monitoring (hospitals are filled with them).

Some water systems (mine) also have “above” detect levels due to this same natural effect.

In my tens years of monitoring employees I have never told a person they were “silly” or being a hypochondriac for being concerned about exposure. I gave them answers, data and options to protect themselves.

It is never silly to be concern, however it is stupid to worry or act without verifying a problem exists.

Anyone can purchase detection kits to monitor their home and person for radiation, VOC and 100 of hazardous compounds.

So don’t worry… test your home.

Stay concerned, stay informed and KEEP monitoring your workplace safety.

Hey but what do I know... Chris

P.S. We have a 12” Ibook at work… it is a ergonomic & eye strain “train wreck” that was not designed to work on for more that 2-4 hrs per session. Get a fat (low RAD) 19” LCD and ergonomic wireless keyboard mouse combo – your body will than you later ;-)

Just my thoughts - Legal Disclaimer Linked here (Post intentionally backdated to protect content from crawlers)