Dec 20, 2005

Partly cloudy on emissions - 2004-07-19

Bob Heitzer of Slinger & FET Chair
Partly cloudy on emissions - 2004-07-19: "For example, facilities that previously didn't need an air permit to operate may now need one, said Bob Heitzer of Slinger, a citizen member of the DNR-appointed Toxic Advisory Committee, which reviewed the rule. He also serves as program chair for the Southeast Wisconsin Chapter of the Federation of Environmental Technologists.

The new rule also requires an in-depth review of a company's raw materials used in manufacturing processes to determine which newly regulated substances are being used, he said. The expanded rule also could cause companies to spend more on capital improvements, including increasing smokestack heights.

Since the revised rule covers far more substances than federal regulations governing air emissions, it also could affect the state's ability to maintain existing manufacturing companies or attract new ones, Heitzer said."