Jun 29, 2006

China complicates efforts to fight global warming - baltimoresun.com

China complicates efforts to fight global warming - baltimoresun.com: "Chinese emissions are making the air in non-urban parts of the Western United States as dirty as ever recorded."

Lead by example?
"The Kyoto agreement was signed in 1997 before U.S. companies began outsourcing millions of jobs to China and India. The pact exempted both and other developing nations from the requirements of curbing emissions. The rationale was that the United States and Western Europe had caused most of the problem, so they should bear the brunt of the sacrifice.

It was a noble but impractical idea. Even British Prime Minister Tony Blair, whose nation signed the accord, acknowledged that "no country will want to sacrifice its economy" in the process. The United States refused to approve the agreement for that reason. Although Western European nations did, some of them have failed to keep the commitments they made."

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