Jun 29, 2006

Injures to a contractor hired by Miller Brewery

A painting contractor hired by Miller was in stable condition after exposure to ammonia at the Miller Brewing Co. on Wednesday morning when a ammonia safety relief valve that released the gas near at about 10:40 a.m.

Two other men were treated and released at the hospital in relation to the accident, a hospital spokesman said. Miller officials would not identify the three men, nor give details of their injuries.

Miller spokeswoman Julie Kubasa said the gas is commonly used as a refrigerant in brewing. If a tank becomes over-pressurized, a safety valve opens until a safe pressure level is met.

"Those folks were just in that area (near the valve)," Kubasa said.

Immediately after the incident, Miller's safety management team treated the injured man until the ambulance arrived. Crews from the Eden Fire Department also responded.

Efforts Wednesday to locate contractor officials were unsuccessful. The county will not investigate because the accident happened inside the plant, Cardwell said. However, federal officials are expected to visit.

Doug Jones, a compliance supervisor for the Occupational Safety & Health Administration office in Winston-Salem, said his office is not required to get involved based on the extent of the injuries. But the chemical in the event changes that.

"I'm sure we will get involved with an ammonia spill," he said.