Jul 27, 2006

Pesticides, the toxic cocktail of pollutants interact.

Body & Health powered by MediResource: ""People think that their food, unless they buy organic, is laced with pesticides," said Peter MacLeod, executive director of CropLife Canada, an industry association of pesticide manufacturers and distributors.

"The truth is that they're not."

Federal inspections in 2004-05 turned up chemical residue in just over 22 per cent of both domestic and imported fresh produce, but at levels lower than the maximum residue limits, the analysis concludes.

Only 0.65 per cent of domestic and 1.1 per cent of imported fresh produce exceeded those levels.

What's important, said MacLeod, is that even when residues were found, they were detected in minute quantities - in the range of parts per million or lower.

While environmentalists and health advocates agree the amounts are tiny, they say it's impossible to be definitive in asserting they pose no health risk, especially when it comes to children.

Some experts worry that some chemicals are unsafe at any level, that many safety standards are out of date, and that Ottawa doesn't test for all chemicals in use.

A key worry is how the toxic cocktail of pollutants interact.

"We are concerned about the health effects of low levels of many different chemicals in a person's body," said Sarah Winterton of the group Environmental Defence.

"We really don't know the health impacts of low-level exposure, particularly within the context of how many different chemicals we are exposed to every day."

Results of a study released by Environmental Defence last month detected a wide array of toxins in the bodies of seven children and six adults from five families living in different parts of Canada.

The chemicals, among them pesticides, PCBs and flame retardants, are known carcinogens, hormone disrupters and neurotoxins.

The disturbing findings prompted Health Canada to announce it would study 5,000 people for signs of pollution-related toxins.

"Pesticides are among the most widely used chemicals in the world, and also among the most dangerous to human health," according to the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment.

"They are a leading cause of poisonings here in Canada and have been estimated to account for thousands of deaths each year globally."