Jul 17, 2006

What You Need to Know About Climate Change

"Tom Brokaw has the answer: an overwhelming preponderance of evidence. "

"these are extreme scenarios that some suspect are used just to galvanize public opinion. These few remaining skeptics, led by Senator James Inhofe, impugn Mr. Brokaw's objectivity by noting in a press release that he nearly got a job in the Clinton cabinet and that two of the scientists he interviews actively supported John Kerry in the last presidential election. He also points to James Hansen's article in our March 2004 issue as a confession of just such a manipulation. Unfortunately that confession seems to be missing from the actual article."

Fortunately, websites like Spencer Weart's outlining the discovery of global warming can fill in those gaps.

And for those interested in the hard science there is always Real Climate or, dare I suggest it, this very blog. After all, my colleague George Musser has been patiently answering the skeptic's arguments for months now. That may be a hard road; as Upton Sinclair famously noted: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.

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