Nov 22, 2006

Dozen Ways to Improve the Holiday Season & Environment

If everybody does just one thing this Holiday Season, together we can make the home and environment a cleaner and safer place. Full read here
  1. Take an inventory of all of the hazardous chemicals you have around the house. Commit to replacing the typical hazardous home cleaners with safer alternatives....

  2. Gather up all of the old cleaners, fertilizers, paint and other chemicals that have been sitting around for a while and that you do not need. Now find the next local cleanup event near you that collects these types of products for proper disposal...

  3. If there are children or pets in the house, it is common sense to verify hazards like chemicals, cosmetics, knives, cleaners, food ingredients and fragile items are properly secured and stored out of reach from the little ones...

  4. Replace all of the antibacterial hand and body soaps around the house with regular versions of these soaps...

  5. Buy a couple of general home use fire extinguishers and place one on each level of the home...

  6. Make sure that there is a smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector on every sleeping level of the home...

  7. Devise or review the disaster escape & family meeting place plan...

  8. If you burned a lot of wood in the fireplace or wood stove this winter, have a chimney specialist do an inspection...

  9. Clean the ductwork from the dryer to remove lint...

  10. Do an old clothing and household item purge. Make sure clothing and household items are clean and in good condition...

  11. Make a renewed commitment to recycling paper, aluminum, plastic and other items...

  12. Give the gift of a plant, tree or shrub as remembrance of this important time in your life.