Jan 12, 2008

Simple Test Can Prevent 20,000 deaths

(New York, N.Y.) Did you know that a simple test can protect you from a major cause of cancer? Each year, over 20,000 people die from lung cancer caused by exposure to radon, the leading cause of lung cancer deaths in non-smokers. Link to Radon Awareness month VIA-EPA

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Simple Test Can Prevent 20,000 deaths ":

Thank you so much for posting this. Despite radon in our homes being the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers, so many people seem to be unaware of the risk. I speak to groups of health-conscious individuals, and few have had their homes tested because they have not heard enough. We need to raise awareness! Just to put it in perspective, we could save at least five times as many people from cancer by having every home tested for radon ($20 or less for test kits at the local hardware store), as if every citizen of the US was immunized against HPV, something we hear a lot about. Thanks for doing your part!

Lynne Eldridge MD
Author, "Avoiding Cancer One Day At A Time"