May 9, 2008

Why does everyone want a "carbon market"

The carbon market has very little to do with reducing global emissions. Thus if we actually reduce the global carbon footprint in the next decade the market will collapse on itself... this is NOT the intention.
What is the real intention? to make a lot of cash...
The "carbon market" is designed to capitalize on the trade of carbon emissions from industrialized nations to inefficient power derived from third world natural resources.
Knowing that third world sources making those emissions are 30-50% LESS efficient than the industrialized nations... thus, producing 30-50% more emissions during the trade.
While there is nothing "clean" about it, there is certainly a whole lot of GREEN behind it ;-)

Reuters: The global carbon market more than doubled in value in 2007 to $64 billion, but that masked slow growth in actual greenhouse gas emissions cuts ...Link