Jan 31, 2013
H.R. 316 #Renewable Energy Promotion Act: reinstate the construction of 2 hydroelectric projects #water #energy
Wisconsin DNR’s New Phosphorus Rules: Implementation Begins #Wisconsin #environmental #regs
In December 2010, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) put into place new rules to control phosphorus discharges to the state’s waterways. In two prior client alerts, Wisconsin DNR’s New Phosphorus Rules: Are They in Effect? and Wisconsin DNR’s New Phosphorus Rules: They Are in Effect, we discussed the history and citizen suit notice of intent that led to the enactment of these rules, the basic framework of the rules, and the initial skirmish over whether the rules would go into effect as scheduled. They did. This third client alert is intended to bring that story forward in time.
Phosphorus Rules: Overview
The "phosphorus rules" are actually revisions to three existing rules which establish numerical criteria for phosphorus and implementation procedures for point sources, and performance standards for agriculture:
1. NR 102 Water Quality Standards for Wisconsin Surface Waters: the long-standing "narrative standard" has been replaced with numerical in-stream criteria for phosphorus:
For 46 specifically identified rivers - 100 micrograms per liter (ug/L) also expressed as .1 milligrams per liter (mg/L)
For all other streams, unless they are exempted - 75 ug/L (.075 mg/L)
For lakes and reservoirs - from 15 ug/L (.015 mg/L) to 40 ug/L (.04 mg/L); the lower criterion applies to lakes that support a cold water fishery in the lower portions of the lake; the higher criterion applies to shallow lakes and reservoirs
For the open and near shores of Lake Superior – 5 ug/L (.005 mg/L); for the open and near shore waters of Lake Michigan (with the exception of a limited segment near the mouth of the Fox River) – 7 ug/L (.007 mg/L)
A criterion for a specific river segment or waterbody can be modified by adopting a site-specific rule.
2. NR 217 Effluent Standards and Limitations:
a. Adds water quality based effluent limitations (WQBELs) for phosphorus derived from the numerical criteria in NR 102 or a total maximum daily load (TMDL) for the specific waterbody, applicable to the following dischargers of phosphorus:
Concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) that discharge through a treatment system
Municipal stormwater systems if necessary to meet phosphorus criteria
Noncontact cooling water unless 100% of the phosphorus is from intake water
b. Establishes four compliance mechanisms (described more fully below):
Traditional "bricks and mortar" treatment facility construction
Water quality trading
Adaptive manageme
3. NR 151 Runoff Management: adds Phosphorus Index (P-Index) performance standards for agricultural sources to address runoff from agricultural lands:
Applicable to croplands, pastures and winter grazing areas
Requires a P-Index averaging 6 or less over the accounting period and less than 12 in any individual year
Implemented through a nutrient management plan
Became effective July 1, 2012
The balance of this Client Alert discusses the implementation tools and issues arising for point source dischargers.
Compliance Options: What are they?
Read more from: Linda H. Bochert of MICHAEL BEST & FRIEDRICH LLP
80 departments still battling eight-alarm Burlington Wisconsin fire - #Hazmat #CHMM #OHS
- CHMM (Certified Hazardous Materials Manager)
- CHMP (Certified Hazardous Materials Practitioner)
- Hazardous Materials Manager in Training (HMMT)
- Exam Preparation Course
- Fundamentals of Hazardous Materials
Note: There is a 25% discount for government/military/student registration.
The website for the course is
Do you encounter any hazardous materials in your workplace or environment?
Are you responsible for the proper handling, storage and/or transportation of hazardous materials? Are you affected by any health, safety, product stewardship or life cycle-related decisions regarding the use of hazardous materials? If so, you should have a credential from the Institute for Hazardous Materials Management (IHMM) that recognizes your responsibilities, training, and expertise.
Given that hazardous materials are found everywhere, a series of three new exam prep courses are now available to prepare candidates for certification by IHMM. All three courses closely follow the approved IHMM examination blueprints. Internationally-recognized credentials promote career advancement and recognition of subject matter expertise in the field of hazardous materials management. IHMM and its credentials are accredited by Council of Engineering & Scientific Specialty Boards (CESB) & American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
College seniors and graduate students looking to start a career related to proper & beneficial use of hazardous materials can prepare for the Hazardous Materials Manager in Training (HMMT) exam with a one-day course on Fundamentals of Hazardous Materials. Completing Day 1 of the three-day series of courses is an excellent introduction to this career field.
Supervisors and practitioners, without an applicable 4-year college degree, who are responsible for handling, storage, transportation or other use of hazardous materials can now prepare for the Certified Hazardous Materials Practitioner (CHMP) exam with a 2-day course (Days 1 and 2).
Executives and Managers, with an applicable 4-year college degree and requisite experience, can prepare for the Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM) with a 3-day course (Days 1, 2 and 3).
What is the three-day course sequence?
HMMT (Day 1), CHMP (Days 1 & 2), and CHMM (Days 1, 2 & 3)
Days 1-3 — CHMM Exam Prep — Day 3 focus is project & program management. Content includes environmental, health, safety, and homeland security regulations & compliance; assessing risks related to hazardous materials; mitigating and/or eliminating hazards; and managing impacts of hazardous materials on human health and the environment.
Days 1 and 2 — CHMP Exam Prep — Day 2 focus is supervisor and practitioner issues. Content includes identification, handling, shipment of hazardous materials; management of emergencies and incidents; and site investigation and remediation.
Day 1 only — HMMT Exam Prep — Fundamentals of Hazardous Materials are reviewed for all attendees. Content includes: basic hazmat science; hazmat chemistry and physics; geology and hydrology; environmental biology and ecology; physiology and toxicology; and sampling and analysis.
Who Should Attend? Environmental, Health & Safety Decision Makers including: Hazardous Materials Managers, Engineers, Environmental Scientists, Industrial Hygienists and Safety Officers. Anyone who wants to increase or refresh their knowledge of the Fundamentals of Hazardous Materials are also invited to the Day 1 training session.
Your education and/or work experience will determine your eligibility to sit for the HMMT, CHMP or the CHMM exam. Certification candidates should visit the IHMM website ( to obtain specific information regarding how to become pre-approved to sit for their examination.
All three of our exam prep courses are designed as an “overview” of the body of knowledge (exam blueprint) required to pass comprehensive and rigorous examinations. Each student will receive a Student Workbook (containing exam blueprints, copies of the PowerPoint presentation slides, a practice exam and an exam prep glossary exercise). Subject matter experts will lead students through each section of the student workbook.
Laws & regulations, science & technology, management principals and practical applications pertaining to body of knowledge required to practice as hazardous materials professionals are reviewed. Our society has become dependent on credentialed professionals to make the right decisions regarding life cycle stewardship issues related to the proper use and ultimate disposal of hazardous materials. Our course instructors believe that maturity of judgment comes from life long learning and experience. Given this approach, students that sit for their respective exams within six months after completing an exam prep course and their personal follow up study program (based upon their education and experience gaps) have consistently achieved favorable test score results.
Today, hazardous materials professionals work in environmental protection, public health, homeland security, transportation, safety and related fields. Corporations, universities, and government agencies depend on IHMM certifications to identify individuals qualified to properly identify and handle hazardous and/or potentially hazardous materials.
Certified Hazardous Materials Professionals work in environmental protection, public health, homeland security, transportation, safety and related fields. Corporations, universities, and government agencies depend on IHMM certifications to identify individuals qualified to properly identify and handle hazardous and/or potentially hazardous materials. Since 1984, over 15,000 professionals have been certified by the Institute of Hazardous Materials Management.
Agenda *
CHMP “Practitioner Topics” (Workshop Day 1) | ||
Time | Module |
8:00-9:00am | 1. Introduction to Hazardous Materials Management |
9:00-10:00am | 2. Basic Hazardous Materials Science |
10:00-11:00pm | 3.. Chemistry of Hazardous Materials |
11:00-12:00pm | 4. Sampling & Analysis of Hazardous Materials |
12:00-1:00pm | Lunch Break |
1:00-2:00pm | 5. Identification & Handling of Hazardous Materials |
2:00-3:00pm | 6. Shipment of Hazardous Materials |
3:00-4:00pm | 7. Management of Emergencies & Incidents |
4:00-5:00pm | 8. Site Investigation/Groundwater Hydrology |
CHMP “Practitioner Topics” (Workshop Day 2) | |||
Time | Module |
| |
8:00-9:00am | 9. Environmental Remediation & Treatment Technology Selection Guidelines |
| |
9:00-10:00am | 10. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) |
| |
10:00-11:00am | 11. Overview of Environmental Laws & Regulations |
| |
11:00-12:00am | 12. HazMat Program & Project Management |
| |
12:00-1:00pm | Lunch Break |
| |
1:00-1:30pm | 24. CHMP Case History |
| |
1:30-2:00pm | 13. Clean Air Act (CAA) |
| |
2:00-2:30pm | 14. Clean Water Act (CWA) |
| |
2:30-3:00pm | 15. Resource Conservation & Recovery Act (RCRA) |
| |
3:00-3:30pm | 16. Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) |
| |
3:30-4:00pm | 17. Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) |
| |
4:00-5:00pm | 25. CHMP Workbook Questions & Review |
CHMM “Manager Topics” (Workshop Day 3) | ||
Time | Module |
8:00-9:00am | 18. Recognize, Identify & Characterize Hazards of Materials |
9:00-10:00am | 19. Assess Risks Related to Hazardous Materials |
10:00-11:00am | 20. Mitigate and/or Eliminate Hazards of Materials |
11:00-12:00pm | 21. Manage Impacts of Hazardous Materials on the Environment |
12:00-1:00pm | Lunch Break |
1:00-2:00pm | 21. Manage Impacts of Hazardous Materials on Human Health |
2:00-3:00pm | 22. General Management of Hazardous Materials & Business Skills |
3:00-4:00pm | 24. CHMM Case History |
4:00-5:00pm | 25. CHMM Workbook Questions & Review |
Study says cats kill more birds than wind turbines
Please read full and follow at:
Water Helps Your Brain - #water #health
Drinking water is the easiest thing you can do for your brain, but most people don’t drink anywhere near enough.
Fact: About 80% of the brain is comprised of water. If you don’t drink enough—or if you drink a lot of dehydrating liquids, such as coffee or alcohol—you’re going to struggle to think clearly and you may have memory problems. That’s because dehydration increases stress hormones, and stress hormones interfere with cognitive abilities.
Recommended: Drink half your weight in water ounces every day.Example: If you weigh 150 pounds, you’ll want to drink 75 ounces of water a day. Drink more during the warm months or if you exercise regularly and lose water in perspiration.
Source: Daniel G. Amen, MD, and Tana Amen, RN, BSN. Dr. Amen is a brain-imaging specialist and assistant clinical professor of psychiatry and human behavior at University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine. Tana Amen is a nutritional expert and neurological intensive care nurse. Dr. Amen is author of Use Your Brain to Change Your Age(Crown Archetype).
Will Renewable Energy Ever Meet All Our Energy Needs? - Slashdot
Continued Beijing Air Pollution Triggers Online Call for Clean Air Act #toxicchina
Infographic: How Much Food Nearly 7 Billion People Waste | via @GOOD
Inspired by a recent Wall Street Journal article written by Anna Lappe and Danielle Nierenberg, Sustainable America has created this infographic to show how food is wasted and lost around the world, and what can be done about it.
Food waste and food security are serious problems, but there are current solutions and ways you can help. Read on to learn more, and stay tuned for our next post, which will delve deeper into some of the points made by Lappe and Nierenberg in the Wall Street Journal piece.2011 TRI National Analysis - facilities released 4.09 billion pounds toxic chemicals into environment, up 8% in one year
Jan 30, 2013
Oil Detection Methods Miss Important Class of Chemicals - via @Slashdot
EPA Webinar on Rubberized Asphalt: recycling tires into rubberized asphalt the triple bottom line of sustainability.
February 21, 2013 – 1-2:30 p.m. EST“Rubberized Asphalt: an Innovative and Sustainable Technology”
Register here: webinar, organized by the Rubberized Asphalt Committee of EPA’s Scrap Tire Workgroup, will focus on how the use of recycled scrap tires in rubberized asphalt advances sustainable materials management. Join us to hear four experts in the field provide an introduction to the production of rubberized asphalt; present techniques, methods and case studies reflecting new and emerging markets for rubberized asphalt; and describe future trends in the use of rubberized asphalt as a truly sustainable and innovative technology. By participating in this webinar, you will increase your understanding of:
· Why rubberized asphalt is an innovative and sustainable product from a life cycle perspective; · Ways to successfully use rubberized asphalt products and the advantages of their uses; and · Current rubberized asphalt technologies as well as future trends in the use of rubberized asphalt products.
The Use of Scrap Tires in Rubberized Asphalt: A Sustainable Technology”
Michael Blumenthal, Rubber Manufacturers Association
Both the U.S. EPA and the Federal Highway Administration now focus on "Sustainable Material Management" (SMM). This presentation will demonstrate how the use of rubber-modified asphalts can help to achieve the goals of SMM by using less toxics and recovering materials by reducing life cycle impacts across the supply chain associated with road construction. The presentation also will discuss an approach to assist decision-makers in achieving balanced choices among environmental, economic and social values –the triple bottom line of sustainability.
“Rubberized Asphalt Technology: An Overview”
Dr. Serji Amirkhanian, International Recycled Rubber Products Initiative (R2P) at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas (UNLV)
This presentation will provide an introduction to rubberized asphalt processes, including the general terminology associated with rubberized asphalt, how it is made, how it is used, the benefits of its use, as well as the various specifications used in many parts of the country. The presentation also will define the historical background of the various asphalt technologies and the advantages and disadvantages of each technology and and/or process. Finally, a brief introduction to the research findings of researchers around the country will be presented.
Dr. Serji Amirkhanian is the Co-Director of the newly created International Recycled Rubber Products Initiative (R2P) at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas (UNLV) and Director of Research and Development of Phoenix Industries, Las Vegas. In addition, he is an Adjunct Professor at Arizona State University (ASU) and UNLV. Dr. Amirkhanian served as the Mays Professor of Transportation and the Director of the Asphalt Rubber Technology Services (ARTS) in the Department of Civil Engineering at Clemson University until June of 2010, before he started his international consulting activities. He has been involved with many laboratory research and field projects related to rubberized asphalt. His research activities have resulted in over 250 refereed journal papers, conference papers, and research reports in addition to over 200 presentations around the country and the world. He is a Technical Advisory Board member of the Rubber Pavement Association and the European Tire Rubber Association (ETRA).
“Traditional Techniques and Methods used in Rubberized Asphalt”
Mark Belshe, Rubber Pavements Association
This presentation will focus on the historical and traditional uses of crumb rubber as an asphalt modifier and as a component in paving applications. There are many ways to successfully introduce recycled tire rubber into paving projects, such as tried and true technologies defined by ASTM D6114 type applications, including equipment and other well-documented methodologies. The attendee to this session will understand the long development history that has advanced the technology to today’s uses as well as an overview of the equipment evolution that had addressed many previous impediments to a quality final product. Examples of successful performance aspects that have identified rubberized asphalt will be presented, primarily the story of the McDonald process and its acceptance and reputation.
Mark Belshe is the Executive Director of the Rubber Pavements Association, a non-profit trade association. Previously Mark was with a large contractor in the southwest United States working on many of the company’s paving projects. Mark is a registered professional civil engineer.
“‘Developing Trends in Rubberized Asphalt”
Douglas D. Carlson, Liberty Tire Recycling
This presentation covers the current activity within the DOTs and the development of uniform standard specifications. It will also cover emerging innovations in rubberized asphalt technology to include pot hole patching material, plant mix additives, and pre-treated rubber.
Doug Carlson has been in the rubberized asphalt industry actively since 1998. He was with the Rubber Pavements Association for 12 years. He stays engaged with agencies and organizations such as ASTM, AASHTO, State DOTs and FHWA regarding rubberized asphalt specifications. A bulk of his work is in specification development so that agencies can effectively use rubber as a modifier to asphalt. He has been with Liberty Tire Recycling since 2010 and has 4 kids in elementary school in Queen Creek, AZ with his wife, Cindy Atherton of Milwaukee, WI.
Drought, doom, and the data* #water #green #greatlakes
The USDA reports that we’ll see the impacts of the 2012 drought at the grocery store this year- with expected increases of 4% in prices for meat and milk. They estimate that the nation’s corn crop was down more than 10% from the previous year, raising prices. Because corn provides the the foundation of the feed for livestock, the price increase plays out for consumers at the butcher counter or dairy case.
Whenever people start discussing the potential impacts of climate change on agricultural production, it’s common to hear that the plants will be able to adjust. After all, isn’t that the basic story of natural selection? The genetic diversity of a species allows it to adapt to changing environmental conditions- the fittest in the new regime survive and prosper, producing more well-adapted offspring. Last week, a paper published in Nature titled “Ecosystem resilience despite large-scale altered hydroclimatic conditions,” sounded pretty optimistic, from the title at least, on the ability of plants to adapt to drier climes. They used data from a network of long-term ecological research sites in the U.S. and in Australia to compare vegetation productivity from the past decade of hotter, drier conditions to earlier, wetter decades.
They used the vegetation productivity, precipitation data and evapotranspiration estimates to determine the water use efficiency of the vegetation. Across ecosystems, they found that plants used more water when it was available, but shifted to higher water efficiency during drought conditions. That sounds like good news for plants in an era of climate chaos, but the authors also found that the water-use flexibility, also referred to as resilience, can be pushed past a breaking point.Please read full and follow Kate Prengaman:
DRUG NATION: Rise in Federal Prison Population is “Unprecedented,” Says CRS
Mpowerd launches inflatable solar lantern
Fracking produces less wastewater per gas well, but gas boom creates more wastewater overall
Not Just Gas! Drastic Price Increases on Everyday Items, Water triples in some areas
A recent article by Benny Johnson detailed how the prices of many of the things that we buy on a regular basis absolutely soared between 2002 and 2012. Just check out these price increases...
Eggs: 73%
Coffee: 90%
Peanut Butter: 40%
Milk: 26%
A Loaf Of White Bread: 39%
Spaghetti And Macaroni: 44%
Orange Juice: 46%
Red Delicious Apples: 43%
Beer: 25%
Wine: 60%
Electricity: 42%
Margarine: 143%
Tomatoes: 22%
Turkey: 56%
Ground Beef: 61%
Chocolate Chip Cookies: 39%
Gasoline: 158%
So what will the next few years bring? Unfortunately, we are already being told that it looks like inflation is going to start accelerating. A recent CNBC article started this way...
Consumers will have to dig deeper into their pockets next year to pay for costlier health care, more expensive grocery bills and higher taxes, an extra drag on the country's already slow-moving economy.
That is not what millions of struggling American families need to hear right about now.
Their bills just keep going up but their paychecks are not keeping pace.
Have you noticed that almost everything that we spend money on just keeps rising year after year?
According to USA Today, in some areas of the country water bills have actually tripled over the past 12 years.
Has your paycheck tripled?
Jan 29, 2013
DC Cogeneration Power Plant Continues To Burn Coal, Hypocritical Environmentalists Fume
In Fiscal Year 2012, the Plant relied on natural gas for 92% of its energy needs. By comparison, in 2005, the Plant relied on natural gas 42% of the time.
The AOC has identified the construction of a cogeneration plant as the most environmentally and economically beneficial way to meet its goal to use natural gas 100% of the time, and Congress has been supportive of this project.
After more than 100 years in operation, significant investment is needed to replace aging infrastructure and to install new, energy-efficient equipment in the Plant, and implementing cogeneration will allow the Plant to discontinue the use of its 60-year-old, less energy efficient coal boilers.
The Average American.. debt, debt, spend via @RyanTMitchell
@RyanTMitchell: A while ago I wrote a post on being “weird” which was a huge hit and you can check it out here. I was thinking about what it means to be an average American and started researching some of the numbers. In particular I was thinking about how a typical American would compare to someone who lived in a Tiny House. Tomorrow I will write a post on what the average Tiny House person is like to compare.
Using Potato Towers - #Sustainable #Urban #Farming

Great summary of various types of potato towers and their use.
Consumption of flaxseed, a rich source of lignans, is associated with reduced breast cancer risk.
#Milwaukee #Sustainability Newsletter with Updates on @milwaukeeshines & @SustainSummit
Get all the details on the Milwaukee Sustainability Plan, HOME GR/OWN proposal, new solar incentives, and how Me2 can help reduce energy bills in your home or business.
Click HERE to read our January 2013 Newsletter.
From June through October, the Green Team asked for your input to guide development of Milwaukee's Sustainability Plan and over 1,000 residents responded. Additionally, the Green Team hosted five in-person town hall meetings gathering additional input from hundreds more residents. Your input has shaped the issue areas on which the Sustainability Plan will focus. Click HERE to see all of the survey results.
Milwaukee is one of 20 cities named a finalist in the "The Mayor's Challenge," a national grant competition sponsored by the Bloomberg Foundation challenging cities to address serious urban problems with innovative ideas. Mayor Barrett's HOME GR/OWN plan incorporates foreclosed properties, urban farming, and entrepreneurial spirit to revitalize neighborhoods and improve public health. Milwaukee will compete for the $5 million first prize and $1 million each for four runners up. The five winners will be revealed sometime in spring 2013. Read the Journal Sentinel article on Milwaukee as a finalist HERE.
A DRUGGED NATION - 71% of young reported source is parent’s or friends stash
According to the national Teen Drug Survey released December 11, 2007 by the White House, teenagers are turning from street drugs to prescription drugs such as OxyCondin and Vicodin. The study conducted by the University of Michigan Institute on Social Research, found a modest decrease in marijuana and other street drugs and an increase in prescription drugs. John Walters, director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, said, “71% of young people have reported their source of supply is their parent’s or friend’s medicine cabinet.” Theo Milonopoulos, “Survey Finds Teens Smoking Less Pot, But Popping More Pills,” Tampa Tribune, December 12, 2007, pg. 13.
It is a deplorable commentary on our nation that the Center of Medicare and Medicaid says 21% of nursing home patients, who do not have a psychosis diagnosis are prescribed antipsychotic, off label, medication. Lucette Lagnado, “Nursing Homes Quiet Elderly with Antipsychotic Drugs,” Tampa Tribune, December 7, 2007. To give humans of any age medication to induce docility is inhumane. When children are given off label psychotic medication it is more tragic as their lives are ahead rather than behind them.
Although children naturally fluctuate in their mood from laughing to crying, they are being prescribed off-label antipsychotic medication as toddlers. Before the 1990s it was generally accepted in the mental health profession to be illogical and unethical to label a child with a bi-polar disorder. Certainly drugging a child with an antipsychotic medication was considered going against the Hippocratic principle of doing no harm. Assisting nursing homes to control the elderly and parents to control their children is not any better than caging the elderly and children for control.
Our society has become more than drug tolerant, we have become a drugged society. Drug advertisements dominate women’s magazines and television commercials. You have to wait an hour just to have a prescription filled. Recreational drugs of Hollywood celebrities to “roids” of sports idols, to sexual stimulants for anyone, psychotic drugs for the elderly and for children to control behavior indicate drugs have permeated every segment of our society. Using chemicals for daily life is epidemic.
Drugs may temporarily relieve a particular problem. The side effects to a person taking the drugs may be denied but are evident to those around us. The number of people unable to exist without mind-altering medication is destroying our power to be a vital, independent people. A large number of people dependent on drugs eventually become dependent on the government “safety net.” This leads to a sick and declining society. We must reject the celebrity’s lifestyle, advertising and the pharmaceutical/medical experts or sacrifice our own and our children’s bodies, minds and spirits to the long-term adverse impact of drugs.
The joys of life are best experienced in a conscious state. Life’s ups and downs can be painful at times although they always provide us an opportunity to learn how to better handle the next challenge of life. Problems never cease, healthy people just get better at solving them.
Americans have established a reputation as an ingenious people who can overcome life’s obstacles. We cannot surrender our character as a people who perseveres until we get the job done. If we as a society continue down the drugged path when the going gets tough, we will forget the advantages, assets and wisdom left to us by our ancestors.
Restoring our national vigor requires the discipline to say “no” to any unnecessary drugs.
Dr. Maglio is the author of Invasion Within and Essential Parenting. He is a psychotherapist and the owner/director of Wider Horizons School.
Please continue reading at:
Markey Questions DOE’s Radioactive Recycling Proposal | Radioactive Scrap Metal Could be Turned into Consumer Products
Congressman Markey writes:
A Department of Energy proposal to allow up to14,000 metric tons of its radioactive scrap metal to be recycled into consumer productswas called into question today by Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) due to concerns over public health. In a letter sent to DOE head Steven Chu, Rep. Markey expressed “grave concerns” over the potential of these metals becoming jewelry, cutlery, or other consumer products that could exceed healthy doses of radiation without any knowledge by the consumer. DOE made the proposal to rescind its earlier moratorium on radioactive scrap metal recycling in December, 2012.
The proposal follows an incident from 2012 involving Bed, Bath & Beyond stores in America recalling tissue holders made in India that were contaminated with the radio-isotope cobalt-60. Those products were shipped to 200 stores in 20 states. In response to that incident, a Nuclear Regulatory Commission spokesperson advised members of the public to return the products even though the amount of contamination was not considered to be a health risk.
This is not the first time this has happened.
As the Progressive reported in 1998, radioactive scrap metal was ending up in everything from silverware to frying pans and belt buckles:
The Department of Energy has a problem: what to do with millions of tons of radioactive material. So the DOE has come up with an ingenious plan to dispose of its troublesome tons of nickel, copper, steel and aluminum. It wants to let scrap companies collect the metal, try to take the radioactivity out, and sell the metal to foundries, which would in turn sell it to manufacturers who could use it for everyday household products: pots, pans, forks, spoons, even your eyeglasses.
You may not know this, but the government already permits some companies under special licenses, to buy, reprocess and sell radioactive metal: 7,500 tons in 1996, by one industry estimate. But the amount of this reprocessing could increase drastically if the DOE, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission … and the burgeoning radioactive metal processing industry get their way.
They are pressing for a new, lax standard that would do away with special permits and allow companies to buy and resell millions of tons of low-level radioactive metal.
The standard the companies seek could cause nearly 100,000 cancer fatalities in the United States, by the NRC’s own estimate.
(A couple of years later, Congressman Markey successfullybanned most radioactive scrap … but now DOE is trying to bring it back.)
Radioactive scrap is a global problem. As Bloomberg reportedlast year:
“The major risk we face in our industry is radiation,” said Paul de Bruin, radiation-safety chief for Jewometaal Stainless Processing, one of the world’s biggest stainless-steel scrap yards. “You can talk about security all you want, but I’ve found weapons-grade uranium in scrap. Where was the security?”
Jan 28, 2013
What could you do in the four years since Senate last passed a budget.. the House of Representatives passed the No Budget, No Pay Act.
With a national debt of more than $16 trillion – $53,000 for every American – Washington needs to spend less, not take more from families and small businesses. That starts with passing a budget. To spur Senate into action, the House of Representatives passed the No Budget, No Pay Act. And it’s having an impact …
- The No Budget, No Pay Act is simple, “if you don’t do a budget you don’t get paid.” The House will pass a budget of its own (again), and the message to Senate Democrats is: “it’s time to do your job.”
- After four years without a budget, it only took one week with their paychecks on the line for Senate to finally talk about (maybe) passing a budget. Whether or not they do remains an open question, though.
- “Reducing our spending and debt will jump-start our economy and create jobs and opportunities for American families and workers,” says Sen. John Thune (R-SD). And “the way to start is by passing a budget.”
Read on at:
What could you do in the four years since Senate Democrats last passed a budget? |
Bill Maher becomes a conservative "We have 23.5% dirt bags in America,"
MAHER: And here, listen to this about disability. People who take disability, who are on disability, in 1968 it was 51 to1, people on disability to people who worked. In 2001, not that long ago, it was 23 to 1. Now it's 13 to 1, 13 people to one who are on disability. Now, of course, you know, some of that is real. We are an overworked, overstressed, polluted, ripped off and lied to people. So, I mean, obviously there are some people who really do have disabilities. But 13 to 1? You know, it just seems like there’s less people pulling the wagon and more people in the wagon, and at some point the wagon is going to break.Please read full a see video at:
Jan 27, 2013
Hybrid Air system would have Emissions like a Plug in Hybrid and get 81.1 mpg
China will ramp up synthetic gas from coal perhaps to 35% of total gas supply by 2020
Alternative #Energy Investing for 2013... #Solar still dying slowly
If 2011 was a bad year for solar, with the bankruptcy of Solyndra, tariff wars with China, and other damaging events, then 2012 was a disaster. The Ardour Solar Energy Index (SOLRX) lost 35% in 2012. This is on top of a blistering 66% loss in 2011!
The chart below shows the change in net profit margin from 2011 to 2012 for the largest solar companies. Performances were not stellar in 2011, only 12 out of the 13 companies turned a profit and the average net profit margin was just over $5 million. In 2012, however, only one of the companies posted a tiny profit, and companies averaged over $28 million in losses. I could throw up similarly downbeat charts for other measures of financial health, including earnings per share (EPS), price to book ratios, and sales growth.
Even analysts’ projections for solar earnings have come way down. In 2011, the average EPS estimate for these large solar companies was a meager 0.57 one year out. In 2012, analyst EPS estimates dropped to a very negative average assessment of -1.72. Though depressing, this reality jived with my forecast at the beginning of 2012, where I predicted another year of rough sledding for solar stocks.
Despite the gloomy statistics, financial and energy analyst may look back at 2012 as the turnaround year for solar.
Say It Ain’t So — A Can of Soda a Day Can Increase the Risk of Cancer for Men by 40%?
Research Study: Global Warming Less Severe Than Feared - via @Slashdot
San Francisco on Track to Become Zero Waste City | #sustainable #LEED #green
San Francisco on Track to Become Zero Waste City
San Francisco is trying to become the first city with zero waste. By requiring residents and businesses to separate compostable items such as food scraps, as well as recyclable items, NewsHour correspondent Spencer Michels reports that the city has already reduced a huge amount of garbage from ending up in landfills.
70 years of Nuclear Fission, 1,000's of Centuries of Nuclear Waste "Atoms for Peace, Problems Forever"
Court Overturns E.P.A.’s Biofuels Mandate #green #energy #biofuels
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Psychotropic Medication Use Among Children in the Child Welfare System: maltreatment, rates of psychotropic medication
Key Findings
- Among children age 4 and older with a report of maltreatment, rates of psychotropic medication use are significantly higher in rural (20 percent) than urban areas (13 percent).
- Children age 4 and older with a maltreatment report in rural areas were significantly more likely to take more than one medication than children in urban areas. In rural places, 28 percent took two medications and 33 percent took three or more medications. In urban places, 23 percent took two and 14 percent took three or more medications.
- In addition to emotional or behavioral problems, a number of other factors predicted which children were given psychotropic medication, including whether they receive counseling, being 12 years old or older, and being male.
- In rural places, children living in poor households were more likely to be given psychotropic medication.
- Twenty percent of children in rural areas with a child maltreatment report who remain in-home received medication compared to 12 percent in urban areas.
Man With 4th Amendment Written on Chest Wins Trial Over Airport Arrest |
Shocking research study: Chemotherapy can backfire, make cancer worse by triggering tumor growth - #health #news
One-third of fish caught in English Channel have plastic contamination via@RawStory
Jan 26, 2013
ECO-Cycle Aquaponics kit grows greens and cleans aquarium water
Oxijet air shower reduces water use by 50 percent
USA's Deaths & War Costs Infographic - debt of our children's prosperity & hero souls
USA's Deaths & War Costs |
The trucks show the Iraq & Afghanistan war budget in fiscal year 2012.