Oct 26, 2006

"Never mind altruism: 'Saving the earth' can mean big bucks"

Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor, Mark Rice-Oxley writes this green future forecast. "Some $1 trillion in 'green' business opportunities await creative entrepreneurs, a report finds." "President Bush is right to argue that tackling climate change will cost us money," notes Robin Smale, director of Vivid Economics, the London consultancy that produced the report for Shell. "But for every pound or dollar consumers spend on [green technology or services], this is going to the people who are doing something about it: the people making the biofuels or building new environmentally friendly housing or putting up the windfarms." P.S. There wasn't a good visual for this article so I pulled this old political cartoon from the NARA archive.  » original news (via the hugg.com)