Oct 26, 2006

WI - "Green" washing to get votes using renewable energy tax breaks

Madison, WI - Republican gubernatorial candidate Mark Green launched a plan today to give tax breaks for renewable energy. The plan includes a sales tax exemption for buying energy-efficient appliances and tax credits for generating renewable energy and researching farm-based energy. Green is a member of the U.S. House challenging Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle in the Nov. 7 election. The plan includes a 10% tax credit for farms and businesses that research renewable and agricultural-based energy sources. Homeowners that generate their own electricity would also get tax credits. The sales tax credit would be applied to home appliances with "Energy Star" labels and equipment used to generate energy from wind, the sun and agricultural waste. The measures would reduce state tax revenue by about $16 million a year. Green unveiled the plan in his hometown of Green Bay at Solar Mining Co., which manufactures solar hot water heaters.
source: www.journalsentine.com ( Patrick Marley )