Nov 2, 2006

Arnold to Terminate Global Warming - CA leads...

On September 27, 2006, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed into law the California Global Warming Solutions Act (“AB-32”), which makes California the first state to limit man-made greenhouse gas emissions. This landmark legislation imposes a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit to reduce emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2020, a 25% cut from today’s levels.
California ranks 12th in greenhouse gases emissions globally. It is responsible for 10% of the carbon dioxide produced nationally and 2.5% globally.”[1] Experts believe that the California regime will have negligible effects on global warming.[2] However, the California Environmental Protection Agency undersecretary, Dan Skopec, is hopeful that “once it’s proven that California can slow greenhouse gases and grow its economy, other states and other nations will follow.”[3]