Nov 17, 2006

Is Brian Alvey serious about an "Eco-Fight"

Brian Alvey, co-founder of the Weblogs, Inc. Network recently stated that He was; "intrigued (about helping the planet), but I was hungry and pressed for time..."
Adding; "good luck with the earth" and "I hope some day I get another chance to fight environmental crime."

Seriously Brian, you HAVE been inadvertently fight environmental crime for some time now. I know 100's (including myself) who have benefited from your sites and tools that make major contributions to REAL environmental efforts. is just one example of many…

However, like Bill Gates, I think you will see a broader impact your efforts can have on the world and focus your efforts on beneficial sciences that demystify what is being "portrayed" in Hollywood and the "popular" media as "viable" options.

Anyone who will listen to valid, proven science for 20 minutes will see we have viable "turnkey" solutions to our worlds environmental problems… without spending a nickel more.

(Many covered at & the

Or we let "popular" media and "green" marketing dictate the path of our future and continue to blindly dump "billions" of dollars into pseudo-programs offer no sustainable future or solution to our REAL environmental problems in our short lifetime.

So grab the olive branch Brian... before the tree hits you.

Christopher Haase

Response to Brian Alvey's post

P.S. good luck with the whole AOL thingy ;-)