Dec 8, 2006

Science report that Current Climate Change is nothing "new"

Maybe it was Al Gore's or Oprah's Big, Fat Carbon Footprint ;-)

This mnths issue of Science argues that a period of warming 55 million years ago may provide a parallel for the current climate crisis. » original news

The scientists admit that they're not as certain about what caused such a release of gases. But, critics are certain to argue "there were no SUVs then"; they'll have a much tougher time, though, making claims along the lines of "Carbon dioxide... we call it life."
Figure at left shows the predicted distribution of temperature change due to global warming from the Hadley Centre HadCM3 climate model. This figure was prepared by Robert A. Rohde from publicly available data and is available at

The Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum by
Research published over the past year indicates that PETM climate change helped drive the evolution of modern primates by causing the dispersal of tarsier-like primates across the globe.