When I read this week that California Filed Suit Against U.S. Over Clean Air, "and was prepared to "sue again and sue again" ...
I was besides myself with the lack of progress our own government has made.
Where does the American public think the money comes from when government sues government?
Billions of dollars that could be used for Environmental protection gets thrown away every in these federal/state bickering wars...
Simply ask yourself: Why would a U.S state that has so many green house gas causing vessels and vehicles try to sue the government? (Source linked) If not for monetary or a power gain?
When dozens of other states have made REAL gains on environmental protection... California continues to be plague with poor performance and lack of follow through on its VERY own policies (vessel, vehicle emissions, energy, etc...).
My suggestion to California, lead by example and resolve your own problems first.
Please take the high road on this, your state examples lead our nation.
Using all your free geothermal, solar, wind and wave capacity would be a start.
Map of your potential wind power:Map of your potential solar power:Data geothermal potential power:Other renewable resources CA has in abundance:
What other state in the U.S. has it as good with prime locations for transport?
Prove our nation can solve our energy, water and environmental problems by working on solutions together. Not by A suing each other on which hybrid SUV to drive to next lawsuit hearing.
Seriously, lets stop the war within ourselves and move forward positive progress together.
I have many friends, family and colleagues in CA. I also think Arnold has made progress, but this is a huge step in the wrong direction.
Have a better weekend,