Dec 14, 2007

Wintertime carbon monoxide health advisory - CARB

 As winter approaches, the California Air Resources board is urging residents to take steps to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning at home and at work.

"Carbon monoxide can be a deadly poison," said Chairman Mary Nichols. "It is critical that Californians have indoor combustion appliances, such as heaters, stoves, fireplaces and wood stoves, checked annually to prevent illness or death. Installing and maintaining a carbon monoxide monitor can also save lives."

Each year, 100's die from accidental carbon monoxide poisoning. Even below lethal levels, exposure to carbon monoxide may cause flu-like symptoms. These tragedies are easily

Nearly half of the deaths are from malfunctioning or improperly vented combustion appliances. Proper use and maintenance of appliances that produce a flame such as gas furnaces, gas and propane space heaters, and barbecues, can prevent exposure to lethal levels of carbon monoxide.

Here are some tips from CARB & epa on how you can protect yourself, your family and loved ones: and