Apr 24, 2008

EPA calculates & attaches a dollar value to each life...

I tire of the "kittens and mittens" media shoving in my face - that "one" guy trapped on a mountain was worth a million dollar rescue mission and we will send "any" amount of money to protect kitten, seals, whales, penguins, etc... 
Hard to imagine there are rooms of people debating the "price on life" daily. Worse dramatizing single, simple, tragedy as a preventable "choice"
What do you save babies, bees or kittens and polar bears? The choices decide if we have a future and the other choice leaves us with "no cute news".
Right now a weeks worth of food and water just went to making a few American steaks instead of feeding a town in a third world country
Anyone can "Google" and find out that MORE was spent on protecting polar bears this year than the EPA SMOG regulations they require to "cost justifying human life".
As always my deepest sympathies go out to the EPA staff who have to live with this pressure and budgeting hypocrisies.
Choice -  It sounds like playing GOD for a reason...
P.S. Earth to "prolife supports"... support EPA. After your babies born, someone needs to protect them.