May 9, 2008

Unsustainable eco-terror is still terrorism

Regardless of your cause... Hate is hate, terror is terror and there can be no tolerance.
Referring to Mr. McDavid an "environmentalists" is an oxymoron. Environmentalism is defined by conserving and preserving life.  
Viral alarmists and activists only erode the hope and dream of a sustainable environmental future. - Haase
When an individual believes "non-violent" actions are not enough, Original URL
Eric McDavid, who went on the road to learn what was beyond his middle class, suburban Sacramento upbringing had a reputation among family and friends as a caring, gentle "peaceful individual" who would never deliberately harm someone...and returned a prisoner sentenced to 19 years in prison.
McDavid already-formed anti-Iraq-invasion stance led to loose associations with self-styled anarchists and radical environmentalists who traveled the country demonstrating at events they saw as symbols of a society corrupted and dominated by capitalism and commercialism.
Anna, a Florida co-ed, was recruited by the FBI in 2004 to penetrate the protest movement. For any such investigation to get around U.S. citizens' freedom of assembly, the agents need proof of criminal acts. That's where Anna came into his life and, for him, the association morphed into a romantic attachment. She was attractive, strong-willed, exciting and older.
Anna testified, she noticed right away that McDavid seemed dramatically more radical.  "I don't believe it was all talk," ceased to be that when the foursome bought bomb-making materials and began trying to make an explosive device.
At the conclusion of a lengthy hearing before a crowded courtroom, U.S. District Judge Morrison C. England Jr. found McDavid's plan to "disrupt government and commercial installations" overrides his lack of a criminal history and a reputation among family and friends as "a peaceful individual
Original URL Copyright 2008, Sacramento Bee