Jun 7, 2008

BIG PIG CO2-Emitting Children SHOULD Die Early

Carbon Cult sickos are under fire for an interactive website that tells children they should die because they emit CO2.

Via: The Register: The Australian Broadcasting Corporation's "Planet Slayer" site invites young children to take a "greenhouse gas quiz", asking them "how big a pig are you?". At the end of the quiz, the pig explodes, and ABC tells children at "what age you should die at so you don't use more than your fair share of Earth's resources!"

It's one of a number of interactive features that "Get the dirt on greenhouse without the guilt trips. No lectures. No multinational-bashing (well, maybe a little…). Just fun and games and the answers to all your enviro-dilemas," ABC claims.

Related cryptogon - Every Adult in Britain Should be Forced to Carry 'Carbon Ration Cards'