Jun 13, 2008

CARB make huge leap for protection

If passed, rule would prevent thousands of premature deaths annually
The California Air Resources Board has released a proposed regulation that would require ocean-going vessels within 24 nautical miles off California's coastline to use cleaner fuel in their main and auxiliary engines, and boilers.
The measure to be considered by the Air Resources Board at its July 24 and 25 meeting would annually affect about 2,000 ocean-going vessels visiting California. The vessels would be required to use lower-sulfur marine distillates rather than the highly polluting heavy-fuel oil often called bunker fuel.
"The gains made by this regulation will save lives all along the coast and provide significant health benefits for those living near heavily used California seaports." explained ARB Deputy Director, Michael Scheible. "We're requiring very large reductions that will greatly lessen air pollution from ships."
For a copy of all the relevant regulatory documents go to: http://www.arb.ca.gov/regact/2008/fuelogv08/fuelogv08.htm
Read full at  www.arb.ca.gov