Jun 12, 2008

Fear N Greed Marketing - The End is Near

Contrary to religious nuts on ABC NEWS, the world will not end today...
Self-proclaimed prophets like Yisrayl "Buffalo Bill" Hawkins, and religious nuts have predicted "doom and gloom" world ending scenarios for centuries.
When all we find out later is that they wanted public recognition, power and "simply make a living feeding off the fear in others"
Hawkins former members say they are required to buy doomsday food and supplies from a company that Hawkins owns personally, Life Nutrition Products.
"Everything that he preaches has to do with people buying something," said former
After Mr. Hawkins (AKA AL's) comes to terms with with his current house of lies, my suggestion would be to for him to enter the "climate change" or "green washing" job market that are actively pursuing individuals with strong "social manipulation skills utilizing fear and greed marketing campaigns".