"Hello, I am a democrat and I endorse this party"... We hear as Al Gore gives the nod to Obama.
Let's be honest this is politics and big business for Mr. Gore and Obama.
Al Gore Stated he would "do all he could to help Barack Obama win the White House" Obama's campaign.
Really? Gore has over $300 million and until I see 1% of that go towards the very candidate Gore urges his supporters to contribute to.... his hot air is only adding to Gullible Warming ;-)
Al Gore knows that we can power our nation without coal yet Obama's future is politically and finically powered by coal.
Then why would Gore endorse and refer to Obama as JFK?
- Offsetting Coal power is the largest finical support Gore's "carbon trade" market is driven by.
- Nearly every contributor to Al Gores financial interests are democrats'
- And seriously, Did someone think Gore would endorse a republican?
"Gore endorses Nader to save our planet." Now THAT would be a refreshing "change" with "vision".
Really, tell me where Nader's clean and green future conflicts with the "ideals" that Gore personifies in films and speeches? How can our shameful bipartisanship make Ralph Nader look so good.
While I have neither a like, dislike for Obama, Nader, McCain or Gore... I simply want them to make the "right choice" to save our future when the opportunities to do so surround them.
And regardless of who the voters of our great nation elect, I will fully support this candidate by providing them with every constructive, concise and creative resource I have to help them save our future and the future of our planet.
For three decades our candidates have told voters "we will have clean, reliable, U.S. based energy"... Well, let's start this October.