Jun 12, 2008

Motorcycles and emissions: The dirty fact

Long story short: Motorcycles, even small ones, are more polluting than Hummers...
This story is about emissions. More specifically, it's about the surprising level of emissions spewing from on-road motorcycles and scooters. Such bikes make up 3.6% of registered vehicles and 1% of vehicle miles traveled, yet they account for 10% of passenger vehicles' smog-forming emissions  In fact, the average motorbike is about 10 times more polluting per mile than a passenger car, light truck or SUV, according to a California Air Resources Board comparison of emissions-compliant vehicles.
Emissions standards for motorcycles are already more forgiving than they are for cars, light trucks and SUVs. Not only are motorcycles allowed to emit more than cars, they are also tested at lower speeds, which pollutes less.
Right now, there are no plans for the air board or the EPA to further tighten motorcycle emissions requirements because:
* There are other, even bigger polluters to deal with, such as diesel trucks, construction equipment and non-emissions-compliant products from China.
Noncompliant Chinese vehicles have become such a pollution issue, in fact, that the Air Resources Board has just added a new motorcycle emissions facility at its Haagen-Smit Lab in El Monte to test them. The board estimates as many as 20,000 all-terrain vehicles, dirt bikes and scooters are shipped into California from China each month, many of them with emissions that are at least 10 times higher than the state's requirements.
Read more via  latimes